Genuine Black Seed Oil

The Black Seed Oil 100% pure, organic farming ISO 9002 Egyptian origin, obtained by cold pressing and implementation in capsule and bottles in our laboratories in France.


nigellasativa home flower  Genuine Black Seed Oil is an invigorating and purifying product.
 Modern science has certified the mysterious power of black seed.
 The highest concentration in the world of thymoquinone, dithymoquinone, thymohydroquinone, thymol and Omega 3 and 6: back on your feet in 1 week!
 Phytotherapy, aromatherapy, nutritional therapy, alternative medicine, alternative medicine, medicine Coranic and prophetic advocate the virtues of pure black seed and those of all natural products.
 Nigella seed comes from the eastern countries, more precisely from Egypt, where it is used for its soothing, regenerating, revitalizing, hydrating effects and protection of cell tissue property; but also for its vegetable ceramides and their nourishing action, due to radical scavenger miracles.
 Its curative properties, action and stimulating action of the immune system make it an excellent remedy for a large number of ailments.

Benefits of Genuine Black Seed Oil

nigellasativa home oil

Calms the articular sphere and allows tissue regeneration.
Its action is very effective against asthma, respiratory, urinary and biliary problems.
Its drainage action, participates in the elimination of toxins in the lungs and intestines.
Strengthens and protects the respiratory tract against environmental aggressions.
Its well-being action: strengthens hair and skin, soothes sunburns, softens dark circles, fights acne, etc.
Our Black Seed Oil contains more than 100 natural components widely demonstrated by science for over 40 years.
These components in synergy with each other are capable to maintain and boost the immune system.

History of Genuine Black Seed Oil
How to use Genuine Black Seed Oil, perfect for your balance.
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Black seed oil is the ideal food supplement to your internal balance.
2 capsules or ½ teaspoon (2.5ml)of black seed oil associated with an infusion of mint has beneficial effects on memory.
Local application, be used pure, several times a day, can also be integrated directly into its cosmetics.

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